Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Recipe Challenge

I was talking with my lovely friend Lucy this week about baking (no surprise there then!) and the monthly baking challenge she set herself here. It got me thinking about what would be on my challenge list. I'm not going to set myself a monthly target, but I thought I'd come up with a list, with the aim of trying to complete as much as I can this year.

So, in no particular order, here's my list:

Suet Pudding. I've never cooked with suet before, so I'm actually going to do this one today, using the Hairy Bikers' Layered Beef and Mushroom Suet Pudding recipe. I'll post about it later.

Baked Cheesecake. How have I never made a baked cheesecake? I love them. I reckon this recipe for Peanut Butter and Banana Cheesecake by Eric Lanlard, looks amazing!

Creme Caramel. I love the mass produced kind that comes in a little plastic pot from the supermarket, with the sauce at the bottom, so a homemade version has got to be amazing, especially if Mary Berry's showing you how!

Fresh Pasta. This is something I really need to do with Evie. She loves making her own pizza, or bread rolls, and she loves pasta, so making her own will be great. It's also something that will be really useful for me to be able to make for myself, once I start eating Gluten Free. With that in mind, I think I'll have a go at this recipe from Doves Farm.

Chocolate Fondant. "The road to Masterchef is paved with failed Chocolate Fondants" said Greg Wallace during one episode, and for some reason, it stuck with Joe and I, so that whenever we are faced with a menu containing said dessert, you can bet your life one of us will repeat it, in our best Greg voice. I think I'll try this recipe by Gordon Ramsay.

French Onion Soup. I think I'm going to have to go with Delia for this one.

Gnocchi. Another recipe that will be very useful once we go GF. I've been recommended this recipe from Serious Eats.

Bedfordshire Clanger. I was going to say Cornish Pasty, but really, I should keep it local and go for a Clanger!

Staffordshire Oatcakes. While we're talking regional specialities, I should go back to my teenage years and recreate the Staffordshire Oatcake. Delicious for brunch with beans, bacon and melted cheese!

Syrup Sponge. I've never made one of these, but I'm pretty sure my 'anything with custard' husband would love it. Plus, how cute do these mini ones look?

Hash Browns. Luuurve hash browns! The absolute best bit of a McDonalds breakfast! A homemade version is surely going to be healthier and yummier? This recipe on the Wicked Yummy blog looks scrummy!

Potted Shrimps. My starter of choice at Loch Fyne. Felicity Cloake's excellent "How to cook the perfect ...." series in The Guardian featured a recipe here, and I haven't found one of her recipes to fail yet, so I'll be giving that a try.

Stollen. This will probably wait until the end of the year, as Christmas is just not Christmas without Stollen! I'll be Gluten Free by then, so think I'll give this recipe a try.

So there it is, my bakers dozen of food challenges. Will I get them all done by the end of the year? Watch out for blog posts on each one. What would be on your list?


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